Ten Steps To Success

“Regret is a break in your higher self-trust. You stop trusting that your higher self is creating the experience that it needs for its own evolvement.”- Harry Palmer

June 10, 2015

This post from 2014 had begun circulating again on Facebook. This year I have a new story, one that consists of a life which keeps getting better and better :)! In fact, it seems magical and dream-like on most days. How am I doing it? I’ve been asked this question many times. There is no formula but I will tell you what I know has made a difference.

1.) I did a lot of inner work on myself last year so that I could love the person I was inside as well as outside 100%.

2.) I thank God at least twice a day for everything I have and for everything that is to come. On most days to the point of tears in gratitude.

3.) 75% of my attention is on others and how I can care, love and support them more, 25% is on myself.

4.) I make a conscious effort to pay attention to my intuition and knowing and follow it.

5.) I align my thoughts and actions with my life purpose- to help others in any way I can.

6.) I say YES to everything I love, let life unfold in front of me and enjoy the experiences as they pass me by.

7.) I deliberately fill my body with healthy foods so that I can be alive and well for everyone who needs me.

8.) I have no expectations for how something “should” look which opens up the door for far better experiences than I could have imagined myself.

9.) I want the world to be in better shape when I leave it than it was when I came into it and I take small actions every day toward that goal.

10.) I use the Avatar tools every day to make sure that mind is in alignment with my heart <3.

*The postings on this site are my own and do not represent Stars Edge Internationals positions, strategies or opinions.

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